Bei traumhaftem spätsommerlichem Wetter brachen die 54 Schülerinnen und Schüler der 2A Klasse und der 2B Klasse, begleitet von ihren Klassenvorständen Mag. Alexander Lang und Mag. Andreas Pühringer sowie Mag.a Sabine Heindl zur fünftägigen Erkundung des Nationalparks Gesäuse auf. Die Kinder erhielten vom Nationalparkteam viele interessante und spannende Informationen über die Geologie des Nationalparks. Besondere Begeisterung riefen die Outdoor-Programmpunkte Rafting auf der Enns und die Besichtigung der Odelsteinhöhle hervor. Die Freude an der Natur und den gemeinsamen Abenteuern machte diese Woche zu einer äußerst gelungenen gemeinschaftsfördernden Schulveranstaltung.
Mag.a Sabine Heindl, die viele der Schülerinnen und Schüler in Englisch unterrichtet, ist es zu verdanken, dass von den Kindern folgende interessante englischsprachige Berichte über unsere Projektwoche verfasst wurden.
Mag. Alexander Lang, Leiter der Projektwoche, KV der 2A, Mag. Andreas Pühringer, KV der2B, Mag.a Sabine Heindl, Begleitlehrerin
Last week my classmates and I spent five days on a project week in Admont. We had a lot of fun but the best activity for me and many others was rafting (…)
After breakfast we went to a “rafting station“ by coach. First the guides told us about our equipment and we got wetsuits, helmets and paddles. My friends and I were really excited and we looked forward to our rafting adventure! We had a transfer to the riverbank, there the guides showed us how to use the paddles. After that we carried the boat into the river. I think we were about eight people and a guide. We were very fast. Then we made a little stop and explored a canyon. There we saw a lot of springs and bathed in one of them. Later we went back to the boat and continued out trip but unfortunately we were a bit tired. Suddenly a big wave was in front of us and we went up into the sky and fell back into the water like a heavy stone! Some of us, including me, went overboard, but it wasn´t dangerous, because we all had a life vest. (…)
Matthias Jellmair, 2A
Above all, I liked the cave called Odelsteinhöhle. First we went hiking for half an hour. On the one hand I was happy as the weather was really fine, but on the other hand the hike was very exhausting because the way was so steep. When we arrived at the Odelsteinhöhle I was thirsty. I drank all the water I had in my bag. In the cave it was dirty, cold and slippery. At the beginning I was scared, but later I got used to the darkness. The guide told us many stories about the cave. It was so exciting. Out of the cave the sun was shining brightly, so I noticed it was already
Klara Kellermayr, 2A
My favourite adventure was the visit at the convent Admont. First we took part in a workshop where we made some lipcare. It consisted of bees wax, cocoa butter and marigold oil. After that we visited the famous library with thousands of very old books. There were secret staircases behind the book shelves. Later we heard interesting things about the convent and finally we went to the exhibition of padded animals(…)
Juliane Heftberger, 2A
So I would very gladly come here again because the food tasted great and the rooms very really nice. I liked the days in Admont very much (…)
Xenia Cakic, 2A